
  • Judith Sainz-Pardo Diaz

This page contains all the AI4EOSC project webinars.

Join us for an engaging series of workshops introducing you to the AI4EOSC platform, a cutting-edge initiative at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). AI4EOSC provides user-friendly workbench and toolbox for developing and running AI models, tightly integrated with EOSC.

In these first 3 sessions we'll provide a comprehensive overview of AI and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, delve into the capabilities of AI4EOSC, guide you through using the platform's dashboard for seamless data analysis and module development. We will present the image processing with AI4EOSC and introduce the federated learning.

Whether you're a researcher or new to the field, these workshops offer valuable insights and practical guidance for harnessing the power of AI within the EOSC ecosystem.

Live streams and video recordings are available in our YouTube Channel

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