DarkSide run since 2015 a 50-kg-active-mass dual-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC), filled with low radioactivity Ar from an underground source and produced world-class results for both the low mass and high mass direct detection search for dark matter.
The next stage of the DarkSide program will be the DarkSide-20k detector, a 20-tonne fiducial mass dual-phase LAr TPC with SiPM cryogenic photosensors, expected to be free of any instrumental background for exposure of 100 tonne x year. DarkSide-20k will be housed at the LNGS underground laboratory, and it is expected to attain a WIMP-nucleon cross-section exclusion sensitivity of 7.4x10^-48 cm^2 for a WIMP mass of 1 TeV/c^2 in a 200 t yr run. The talk will give the latest updates of the ongoing R&D and prototype tests validating the initial design.
Towards the end of the next decade, the ultimate detector ARGO, with a 300 t fiducial mass, will push the sensitivity to the neutrino floor region for high mass WIMPs.