Dark Matter 2016: From the smallest to the largest scales.

Hotel Chiqui

Hotel Chiqui

Avda. Manuel García Lago 9 39005 Santander
Alberto Ruiz Jimeno, Enrique Martinez (IFCA), Jose Maria Diego (IFCA), Rocio Vilar Cortabitarte, Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA), Teresa Rodrigo (IFCA), Xavier Barcons (IFCA)

Meeting that brings together particle physicist, astrophysicists, cosmologists and theoretician to discuss the latest developments on the quest for dark matter. The meeting will bring together experts on direct and indirect searches of dark matter and the connection between theory and experiments. Many experiments on earth, together with astrophysical observations, cover a wide range of energies yet the dark matter particle remains elusive. The meeting will review the current status in the field giving special emphasis to the latest efforts to detect the dark matter.