Jun 25 – 29, 2018
Santander (Spain)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

The call for abstracts was open until May, 8. But we are still accepting abstract, send it to dm2018@ifca.unican.es, in case there is final cancellations.

The talks will be 25 minutes long, including 5 minutes questions.
The accepted contributions from the organizing committees will be notified by May 30th the latest.
Please, if you do not have an account in the indico.ifca.es, remember to create a local one previously to register. Follow this steps:

  • https://indico.ifca.es/login/ #select: create account
  • https://indico.ifca.es/register/ # Remember that the account to introduce could not be change later on.
The call for abstracts is closed.